Is $\sin \infty$ an indeterminate form?

I had a long discussion in chat over what seems like a simple question:

Is $\sin \infty$ an indeterminate form?

What do you think? :)

I'm labelling this as (soft-question) to be safe, but it should have a clear answer depending on the definition of indeterminate form used. The term "indeterminate form" is seldom used in post-calculus mathematics, but I believe it has one or more accepted definitions, which are either informal or formal. So any answer which takes a standard definition and argues the case would be interesting to me.

How to make a good answer:

  1. State the definition of indeterminate form, either from an online or textbook source, or a definition you came up with on your own.

  2. Determine, using your stated definition, whether $\sin \infty$ is indeterminate or not.

EDIT: What do I mean by $\sin (\infty)$?

It's not a well-defined expression, but neither are any of the other indeterminate forms: $\frac{0}{0}$ doesn't exist, $1^\infty$, doesn't exist, and so on. So the question is whether this expression -- which is not well-defined, just like any other indeterminate form -- is an indeterminate form.

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