Mention ADHD in personal statement?

I'm currently a master's student of mathematics applying for Pure Mathematics PhD programs. I was diagnosed with ADHD after graduating from undergrad and currently wonder whether I should mention it in personal statements or not. I wouldn't bother if my grades throughout undergrad were perfect, but they were not. My undergrad GPA is just shy of a 3.4 with math GPA just below a 3.5. It's safe to say that I began my mathematics career with poor time management skills and no idea how to study math, but my diagnosis retroactively explains why it took so long to complete problems, why I had trouble focusing during lectures despite interest in the material, etc.

I began taking medication before starting my first semester of graduate coursework and I'm currently on track to get As in all three classes. I attribute the improvement partially to the diagnosis and treatment, so on one hand, I can point to it and say "Hey, the person who fucked up Calculus had an undiagnosed disorder, look at how he's doing now that he's begun treatment." This has explanatory power for academic record, could be used to talk about overcoming obstacles (I worked hard and improved my performance with proof-based classes even before seeking treatment), etc. I can think of two strong reasons to not mention it.

  1. Sounds like I'm making excuses
  2. Calls into question whether I am capable of handling graduate school

My issue with 1 is that I have to offer some explanation as to why my undergraduate math GPA is on the lower end, and any explanation could be seen as an excuse. The second I think could be resolved by simply noting that I'm doing well now after receiving treatment.

submitted by /u/throwaway666445
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