When "is" a congruence an object?

Three different situations:

  1. Take a group $G$. If you have a normal subgroup $H$, you can form a quotient $G/H$.
  2. (Can be considered as a corollary of 1.) Take an $R$-module $M$. If you have a submodule $N$, you can form a quotient $M/N$.
  3. Take a topological space $X$. If you have a subspace $U$, you can form a quotient space $X/U$.

However, if you take a (commutative and unital) ring, you need to quotient by an ideal, that (except for the trivial case in which it contains 1) is not a subring.

In general the construction of a quotient object in a given category requires the notion of a congruence, that is very different from a subobject. My question is

How typical is that we can go from a subobject (maybe requiring an additional property) to a congruence?

or more precisely

Is there a categorical notion encompassing this behaviour?


(Based on comments by Rob Arthan and GEdgar). First two examples are effective congruences (Definition 1.5 in the link above). In other words we take two identical maps $f\colon A\to B$ and find a pullback $K$ with two maps $K\to A$. It can be treated as a subobject of $A\times A$.

But we want $K$ to be a subobject of $A$, so we could "replace $a\sim b$ by $ab^{-1}\in K$".

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