Did anyone else lose interest in math after mastering the fundamentals?

Let me clarify what I mean by "mastering the fundamentals". I'm currently finishing my second year of a bachelors in Mathematics. During my first year I felt like I was learning a whole new way of thinking. I learned how to read and write a proof and how to communicate mathematics with others. I found this stage to be very rewarding. I went from speaking a different language to my professors, to speaking the same language as them.

Now however, I feel a distinct change. I understand the language, I know how to do "Math". Now it's all about learning new domains, and I'm finding that the actual domains of math don't interest me inherently. I feel like I have the required skills to pick up a math textbook and learn the topics, but I'm just not so interested in the topics themselves. I don't find topology or differential equations inherently fascinating, and just learning more and more definitions and proving new theorems just doesn't interest me. It's all a bit of a grind, a game, for me at least.

I suppose I'm just realizing that math for it's own sake just doesn't hold my interest. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm going to take a break from studying because I have no motivation to keep studying more domains of Math. But I'm not really sure what I want to do going forward. Maybe I'd be better served doing something with applications.

submitted by /u/davegri
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