Beaver lodges and burrows

In the below diagram, A, B, C, D, E, F are beaver lodges and the segments in blue and red are burrows that connect the lodges. The dots marked with the letters G to S are crossing points where the beavers can change track. In the lodge A there are 3 beavers who want to reach their lodges in B, C and D. Obviously each beaver can follow several alternative paths to reach its lodge. According to the number of different paths that each beaver can follow, we will reward each with a corresponding number of apples. Each path consists of several burrows between the crossing points (the lodges in A to F can also be crossing points). A beaver can choose a specific burrow only if its ending crossing point is closer to its destination lodge, with respect to its point of origin. How many apples will each beaver gain?Lodges and burrows enter image description here

It's really confusing; I can hardly understand the terms. Can anyone help?

For example, from A to B I think it is AB, AOB, ANOB, AOPB, ANOPB.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

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