textbook (gift) advice

It's my best friend's birthday and he's a math major in his last semester of undergrad. I want to get him a textbook that will help advance his learning, bonus if it's also aesthetically pleasing.

I've reviewed most of the threads concerning textbook advice, but it's a bit difficult to navigate considering I study English and have no grasp of what any of these areas mean.

I know that he's preparing for abstract algebra for the coming school year with self-study (Dummit & Foote, which you all consider to be a fundamental text on the subject, I believe). He's interested in tackling Galois theory and is focused on group theory in preparation for abstract algebra. He's also been reading the Conway text for complex analysis. Please suggest some well-written/illustrated textbooks in this genre that you highly recommend for someone who is somewhat advanced at the undergraduate level!

I've researched quite a bit in the past week, and I have only two options right now that even seem remotely good:

Szamuely Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups Wegert Visual Complex Functions

Please recommend a text that would be revolutionary for his learning -- I dont even know if Galois is something that I should buy an entire book on, and am deeply unqualified for this particular subreddit

submitted by /u/silkitten
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from math https://ift.tt/3hTrkgF https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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