Smash Bros. Game: Help with Detailed Analysis

Hello /r/math

I'm putting a beacon out there to see if anyone is willing to help me find someone, or something that may help me put my analysis in the most accurate terms. So if you're responding, don't feel roped in.

I have a project that is pretty dear to me, and I know it doesn't interest the people in my circles. Smash Bros. , the popular nintendo game, holds within it a very interesting set of mathematics and logic that I personally would like to analyse in the same way many have analyzed Chess.

To me, it represents some very special particle physics where players represent complex particles whose logical actions can be predicted with high accuracy. These particles also alter a field which is invisible to the eye, but very visible to current players and spectators in real-time. There are also several fundamental forces and 'physical' laws within this realm.

Computer opponents can play Smash, perfectly in that, high level bots actively read inputs and deploy appropriate countermeasures without prediction and perfect accuracy. This type of AI is not my goal. My goal is to see if there are predictable underlying mathematics that describe human players, their input, and their potential input into a game with a high emphasis on adaptation.

I have many hypothesis and logic that comes to me daily, which I feel the need to test. I need a way to explain these thoughts in a way that intelligent people can take seriously even though we're talking about a somewhat silly game. I'm a Game Design graduate so I have experience with math and programming, and a college education, I just don't have the tools I feel I need to bring anyone else on board to my thinking.


Smash Bros. internal logic and math?

Where can I find an analysis?

If there is none, what tools can I use to try to do this analysis myself?

Anyone else out there interested enough to hear me out?

You aren't interested in this but you can recommend someone who might be?

PS. I did try the smash subreddit, I don't feel that many people look at the game this way, and the people who might aren't looking for that content on that board.

submitted by /u/b675309
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from math http://bit.ly/2WaZEbQ

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