Looking for latest math white papers, which could be interesting for non-math people

Hi everybody,

I am an undergraduate math student(in non-English speaking country) and as a requirement I had to take English classes as well. My "exam-like" task is to make a presentation concerning a math white paper that is no older than 6 months and has been submitted to and published in a scientific magazine(I hope arxiv counts as one). I am the only math student in these English classes, but the audience consists mostly of STEM students (mechanical engineering, IT, architecture, civil engineering etc.). Still, I have to make sure everybody is on the same level and operate on really basic terms/metaphors.

I would gladly take your recommendations, because I am not following cutting-edge discoveries(at the moment I struggle with functional analysis...).

What has happened in mathematics in the last 6 months that could be interesting(and accessible) for a broader, "non-math" audience? I guess something about machine learning or computer science could pass as math-ish subject too.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/realfeeder
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