
So, it's been a continuing struggle to pin down some of the notation and terms in mathematics.

Trivial is the main one, but not what I'm interested in here.

Rigour was something I enjoy but it took me a while to realise I was conflating it with another, which I now want a term for since rigour doesn't actually do it.

In proofs, some authors are really good and spell out what they're doing at each step - or at least do a step at a time. It's clear, articulate, comprehensive, but none of these words quite hit the mark...

The opposite is when authors will tacitly perform multiple algebraic manipulations in a single line. I'll be sitting there looking at 2 completely distinct expressions and I end up sitting there for 30mins+ trying to make sense of it. Also most of the errors I find are in these overloaded steps, which makes me dislike them more.

Does anyone have a good term for this? And does anyone know of any good mathematics style guides? I've seen a bit of what I'm after from Tao, who is always brilliant (my favourite Mathematician)

submitted by /u/iamaghoti
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