October 2019

The question might be judged as belonging to logic-fiction rather than to serious logic ...

Some well formed formulas are true in all possible cases/ interpretations , some are true in no possible case/ interpretation, some are contingent ( true in some cases, false in other ones).

Now, amongst contingent formulas, some are true in more cases than others are.

For example, (A --> B) is true in 3 cases out of 4, while (A&B) is true in only 1 case out of 4.

So, one could say that some formilas are closer to validity than others. This suggests an analogy with the theory of probability, in which some some propositions are considered as being closer to certainty than others.

Is it possible to think of rules concerning, so to say, the " degrees" of validity of propositional calculus formulas.

Is it possible to take a theoretical advantage of the fact that all formulas are not at the same distance from validity.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

This recurring thread will be for any questions or advice concerning careers and education in mathematics. Please feel free to post a comment below, and sort by new to see comments which may be unanswered.

Please consider including a brief introduction about your background and the context of your question.

Helpful subreddits: /r/GradSchool, /r/AskAcademia, /r/Jobs, /r/CareerGuidance

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from math https://ift.tt/2C5fnk1

Each month on the MIND blog, we share stories of how our organization, our partners, and educators across the country are advancing the mission to mathematically equip all students to solve the world’s most challenging problems. We also share resources for educators and students, and cover some of the exciting events we take part in across the country.

Sometimes it feels like we're moving and evolving just as fast as the leaves in autumn, and we want to make sure that you don't miss any of it. Welcome to the MIND Blog Rewind! Here is a recap of important news, content, and resources coming out of MIND and our community for October 2019.


What makes a great math leader? Calli Wright, Education Engagement Manager, asked this question to teachers, math coaches, and principals from around the country. And thankfully, they answered! We hope this compilation of tips and resources helps you wherever you are in your journey to support math education for students.

On our International Podcast day episode, Brian LeTendre welcomed MIND’s Lead Mathematician Brandon Smith back to the show, for a discussion on project-based and problem-based learning. Brandon talked about the similarities and differences between the two, and provided guidance on how to get the most out of project and problem-based learning by increasing student choice, creatively reframing problems, and adding more fun to the process. Listen to the full discussion on the Inside Our MIND podcast.

If you want to build creative capacity, you want to develop a student's desire to take risks, and to fail quickly and to iterate, and then to actually get to a point where they really complete the problem, or solve it.

-Brandon Smith, MIND Research Institute

Have you heard of the Global Math Project? Their mission is to inspire educators everywhere to ignite and sustain in their students a love for learning mathematics. The Global Math Project believes that everyone is part of the global math community, and each year Global Math Week brings teachers and students around the world together through joyful math experiences. As part of our ongoing partnership with The Global Math Project, we made more of our ST Math games available for free on our website. Play now!

We’re big fans of Halloween at MIND Research Institute. Creative members Jo and Julie Zafra created Paco Patch Halloween coloring sheets for students and adults alike to enjoy. Our example coloring sheet was completed by Genna Conrad, a Partnerships Operations Assistant at MIND. Also included in the post are fun pumpkin stencils, like Pac-o-lantern and JiJi disguised as a witch, to make your Halloween even more fun. Check out our free Halloween resources and even treat yourself to Paco Monster, a free mathematical candy game.


At MIND Research Institute, we believe that teachers, administrators, families, and communities are part of a student’s learning ecosystem, and we work to support that holistic system. Which is why we partnered with 100Kin10! We are excited to be part of this group of over 300 leading academic institutions, non-profits, foundations, companies, and government agencies. Together, we are mobilizing a national effort to prepare 100,000 STEM teachers by 2021. 

MIND Research Institute CEO Brett Woudenberg reflected on what brought him to the organization and how MIND’s mission to mathematically equip all students to solve the world’s most challenging problems holds resonance for him. His story is one of incredible perseverance, productive struggle, and lifelong learning. We’re proud to have him lead our organization. Thank you for sharing, Brett!


Today, parents and students are going a mile a minute. But there’s one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years—homework and the way that some students feel about it. Thankfully, there are best practices that you can implement to make homework an important priority and a positive experience in your household. Check out these 8 great homework tips for parents from experts (and parents) at MIND.

Online learning for children is here to stay, and it's no secret that our students need supportive adults in their lives who can challenge, mentor, and push them to meet and exceed their potential. CFO of Detroit Public Schools, Jeremy Vidito, shares tips for parents around online learning for children, that will guide you in how to best assist the students in your life.

Are you planning a family math night? Brian LeTendre, Director of Content and Communications, and Lead Mathematician Brandon Smith, explained four common missteps that can be avoided when designing family nights and provides guidance on how to provide an experience that parents and students wont forget. Listen to the podcast episode now!


Family engagement nights at school have the potential to change families’ relationships with math. Miami on a mid-October night is still warm, but south of the city, a gentle breeze made its way through the Air Base K-8 Center, where MIND's Taylor Masnjak, Brian Coffey, and Brandon Smith inspired learning through gameplay with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools community. Being able to engage families with math and games was a treat, and thankfully, Brian shared his experience.

Additional Highlights:

from MIND Research Institute Blog https://ift.tt/31Z3Mxv

I thought I wanted to be an Electrical Engineer but honestly I changed my mind since it just doesn’t like something I can see myself being happy doing. Now after realizing this and realizing math is the subject I have enjoyed the most in college (still in ODE and Calc 3 class and transferring to a University from a community college soon) I was wondering if anyone knew any decent paying careers someone could get with a Mathematics BS. I am stuck between being a Teacher in middle school or HS, or doing something else. Not really interested in pursuing a Masters or PhD if I am being honest.

submitted by /u/Samsan_07
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from math https://ift.tt/31YMXCR

Deadline, November 12 -- Math-Poetry Contest for Colorado students
More details here in this blog-posting and 
here at the American Mathematical Society website.
Winners will read at the 2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM)
on January 18 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver.

Deadline November 15:  details below about how to sign up to participate 
in a JMM poetry reading on the evening of January 17 -- 
also at the Denver Convention Center.

    Continuing a math-meetings tradition, math poets will gather at JMM for an MAA Special Presentation: An Evening of Poetry -- this year's program will be on Friday, January 17,  7–8:30 pm, in Room 503 of the Colorado Convention Center.  In 2020, we want especially to feature poetry with a focus on how math can help unify us and improve our world.  
Read more »

from Intersections -- Poetry with Mathematics

Suppose we have a colony of bacteria. At the end of each day, each bacterium produces an exact copy of itself with probability $p$ and then dies with probability $q$. However, $q$ is not constant, but a function of $N$, the total number of bacteria: $$q=p\bigg(1-\frac{1}{N}\bigg)$$ So in larger populations of bacteria, each bacterium is more likely to die (because of competition, say).

To clarify, $N$ counts the number of bacteria before new ones were born. For instance, if there are $2$ bacteria on one day and they both reproduce to form $4$ bacteria, both of them still have exactly $p/2$ chance of dying (not $3p/4$). And the babies that have just been born cannot die immediately.

Let $P_N$ be the probability that a bacteria colony consisting of $N$ bacteria initially eventually goes extinct. Can we find an asymptotic formula for $P_N$? I suspect that we will have $$P_N\sim \alpha^N$$ for some $\alpha$, but I don’t know how to calculate this constant.

I did manage to figure out that if we keep $q$ constant, then the probability of eventual extinction starting with $N$ bacteria is exactly equal to $$\bigg(1-\frac{p-q}{p(1-q)}\bigg)^N$$ for $p>q$, and equal to $1$ for $p\le q$. But that problem was much easier because “newborn” bacteria were independent from their parents, whereas in this problem the chance of each bacterium’s survival is dependent on the overall population size.

So, really my question is: what is the value of $$\lim_{N\to\infty}P_N^{1/N}=\space ?$$

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Shortly (like 2 months), I will be putting my professional work into the function which produces no output at all — retirement.  Perhaps a better metaphor is that the function has a final vertical asymptote at the end point of the domain.










My career has actually had several points of discontinuity, where the next function value substantially differs from the prior value.

  • The first 5 years were focused on support for my college’s large and successful self-paced “Math Lab” — which initially had 13 courses in the same room with two instructors.  One of my duties was to hire and train student workers; of these workers, one of them would eventually come back to my College as an adjunct faculty.
  • The longest period without a discontinuity (19 years) came next … I provided part of the faculty leadership for the courses and instruction in that Math Lab.  One of our students started in beginning algebra, and eventually came back to my College as a full-time faculty.
  • The largest gap occurred next — I was loaned to the College’s registrar’s office to help implement our student software system (“Banner”), and eventually I functioned as an associate registrar.  Instead of AMATYC conferences, I attended the “Banner Summits” each year.
  • After 5 years, I returned to ‘faculty’ duties though not exactly as the earlier time.  The College’s Math Lab was no longer an option seen with pride, as the administrators did not provide support and our own faculty made decisions which contributed to the downfall.  This unhappy period lasted 8 years.
  • In 2010, the Math Lab officially closed.  This was the first year where all of my teaching was in ‘regular’ classrooms with larger groups of students; my initiating work with teaching was all one-on-one or pairs in the Math Lab.
  • Although relatively small, another point of discontinuity occurred two years later as the department chair asked me to take over our quantitative reasoning class.  This class was the most fun to teach of any class I’ve done.  Within 5 years, this class went from 60 students per year to 400 students per semester.
  • The last point of discontinuity occurred when I was declared not qualified to teach that QR class.  My final 4 years have been focused on dev math — though I spent two separate periods serving as an ‘acting academic coordinator’ for the department (planning, staffing, enrollment, etc).









{image is NOT a perfect match for the metaphor 🙂   }


This is my final semester of teaching mathematics.  On the other side of the last vertical asymptote, awaits other type of activities — family and (hopefully) volunteer work.

Throughout my work in AMATYC and MichMATYC as well as the Dana Center and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, I have appreciated the help and support of MANY people.  For that, I thank each of you.

For the curious, this blog (DevMathRevival) will continue for another few weeks.  Some posts are likely to be reflections on my career, while other posts will be the type of commentary previously seen here.


from Developmental Mathematics Revival! https://ift.tt/2WvuHAb

Diagonalize any matrix. Today I’ll show how to diagonalize any matrix. Have a look!! Want to check out more related posts on eigenvalue problems? Here you go!! Eigenvalues of a matrix Eigenvectors corresponding to each of the eigenvalues of a matrix Diagonalize any matrix Now a diagonal matrix means a matrix with diagonal elements only....

The post Diagonalize any matrix | How to diagonalize any matrix appeared first on Engineering math blog.

from Engineering math blog https://ift.tt/2C2csbO

This is a great idea! Motivate kids to get rid of all of that candy for a good cause.

Operation Gratitude and dentists are encouraging healthy eating, motivated giving, and offering a good use for all of that leftover candy. Is this a good deal for kids?

the activity: Buying-back-Halloween-candy.pdf

If you want to give students some prices for buying candy:  SomeCandyDeals.pdf

CCSS: 5.MD.1, 5.NBT.4, 5.NBT.5, 5.NBT.6, 5.NBT.7, 6.RP.1, 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3

For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions.

Buying-back-Halloween-candy.docx    Buying-back-Halloween-candy-solution.pdf

from Yummy Math

31 Oct 2019

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: Polynomial equations graph solver
2. Resources: Tilt Brush, charts
3. Math in the news: Lenses, integral equations
4. Math movies: Potential
5. Math puzzle: Square age
6. Final thought: Water

1. New on IntMath: Polynomial equations graph solver

After many reader requests, I rewrote a lot of the Solving Polynomial Equations chapter recently. I'm not a big fan of the way this topic is normally handled (via the Remainder and Factor Theorems) mostly because those techniques only work for low degree polynomials with "nice" numbers and involve an amount of guesswork. But I agree there is some benefit to learning the concepts.

The revised pages are:

How to Factor Polynomials

Roots of a Polynomial Equation

I also added one new interative page:

Polar to rectangular calculator

We can always use numerical approaches to finding the roots of equations (like Newton's Method).

But I've always found (for the last 30 years while we've had such tools) that zooming in on the x-intercepts in a graph application is easier and quicker. We can get whatever accuracy we need by zooming in some more.

See: Roots of Polynomial Equations using Graphs

2. Resources

(a) Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective

Google tilt brush

Google's Tilt Brush for Vive, Oculus or Windows Mixed Reality lets you paint in 3D space with virtual reality. There's a lot of scope here for math students and teachers for drawing 3-D functions and vectors.

See: Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective

Has anyone played with this? What's your experience been?

(b) Making charts easier to read at a glance

Making charts easier to read

Charts of complex data can be hard to comprehend. This new method from Columbia Engineering and Tufts University aims to develop easier to read data visualizations.

See: New data science method makes charts easier to read at a glance

3. Math in the news

(a) How One Mathematician Solved a 2,000-Year-Old Camera Lens Problem

Mathematician solves 2000 year-old spherical aberration problem

Greek mathematician Diocles first reported on a problem most lenses have - spherical aberration.

Here's a summary of a recent fix from Popular Mechanics:

See: How One Mathematician Solved a 2,000-Year-Old Camera Lens Problem

And here's the actual paper for those interested:

General formula for bi-aspheric singlet lens design free of spherical aberration

(b) Metamaterials solve integral equations

Metamaterials solve integral equations

Solving integral equations has been a staple of science and engineering for hundreds of years. A new optical approach makes computer solutions significantly quicker.

See: Metamaterials solve integral equations

4. Math Movies - fulfilling our potential

(a) How we can help the "forgotten middle" reach their full potential

How can we empower the forgotten middle to reach their full potential?

Most of us fit in the "forgotten middle" - neither exceptional nor problematic. This talk gives some insights - for both students and teachers - on how such people can reach their full potential.

See: How we can help the "forgotten middle" reach their full potential

(b) The boost students need to overcome obstacles

The boost students need to overcome obstacles

Everyone has a story - a reason why they have not met their own expectations or hopes for their lives. How we approach our obstacles can make a huge difference.

See: The boost students need to overcome obstacles

5. Math puzzles

The puzzle in the last IntMath Newsletter asked about the probability involved in a given hexagon.

There were five attempts at an answer, and all were different. My approach was as follows.

Choose 1 for the length of each side of the octagon. That means the triangles and the square also all have side length 1.

The octagon's area is 2(1 + √2) (a well-known formula, or it can be derived from splitting it up into triangles).

The area of each (equilateral) triangle is √3/4 (half the base times the height) and we have 4 of them, so the total area of the triangles is √3.

The area of the square is 1.

The area of the blue parallelograms (kites) is the hexagon's area minus the area of the trangles and square.

Area blue = 2(1 + √2) − √3 − 1 = 1 + 2 √2 − √3.

So the probability is

(1 + 2 sqrt 2 - sqrt 3)/(2(1+sqrt 2)) ~~ 0.4342

New math puzzle: Square age

Europe 900AD
Europe in 900 CE. [Image credit]

If I said I was x years old in the year x2, it would mean for example, in the year 900 CE (AD), I was 30.

How old would somebody be if they could say that in the 21st century?

When is be the next century when nobody will be able to say the year is the square of their age?

You can leave your response here.

6. Final thought - water

Parts of Australia are undergoing the worst drought in recorded history. Some towns have already effectively passed "day zero" since trucking in water has become necessary. In many places, "day zero" will come sometime next year. Meanwhile, Capetown in South African recently averted a "day zero" situation.

For years scientists have been predicting such scenarios, and for years all we've seen is political football games.

water risk atlas
Extremely high water risk in parts of Western USA. [Image credit]

Yes, the rains will come again. But it's more likely the next drought will be even longer. Many Australian farmers are talking about giving up, and this is in the country that promised to be the "food bowl of Asia".

You can't eat coal, and you can't drink oil.

So how did Capetown do it? They imposed personal water restrictions of 50 liters per person per day and tough industrial restrictions ("Level 6B" water restrictions). By comparison, US citizens consume around 500 liters per day, New Zealanders consume 227 liters a day and in India, it's 120 liters per day.

See the state of your country in this Water Risk Atlas data map.

Until next time, enjoy whatever you learn.

from SquareCirclez https://ift.tt/36j6e5r

I got a question that I have 100 rows of the number, as in the picture that continuous to 100 rows. There is a sequence by starting from the top, and then for each integer walk to the left or right value in the row beneath. That is if we start from the top, then 40 can only be followed by 95 or 55, 95 can only be followed by 72 or 86 and so on. And I need to find the shortest path from the top to the bottom(from the first row to 100 rows). I am thinking of plotting a graph from number 1 to 5050(cause there are in total 5050 numbers.) But how can I put weight on it later on? If I calculate weights one by one that will take ages... Is there an easier way to figure this out?

This is the picture for the first nine rows:

Thank you very much.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student and I have fully read R. Shankar's book on Quantum Mechanics and Griffiths book Quantum Mechanics. I have also done a bit of the Application of QM on multielectron systems,molecules, etc.

Not going ahead in the application part, I want to focus on the foundations of QM part which I find really interesting. But I have very limited knowledge of mathematics. I have read Curtis "An introduction to Linear Algebra", Gallian "Group Theory"(1-10 chapters only) and have a little bit of knowledge on differential geometry.

With this as my Mathematical background, which would be the best book (a bit mathematical) for introduction to Quantum Mechanics which includes an introduction to Hilbert Space and functional analysis?

submitted by /u/ACcog
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from math https://ift.tt/31X2Wl7

Statement: Let $G$ be a finite group. Then $ I_2(G)=[G:G^2]-1$.

where; $I_2(G)$ is the number of subgroups of index two in $G$ , $[G,G^2]$ represents the index of $G^2$ in $G$ and $G^2= \langle \{x^2: x\in G\} \rangle$.

My work: First I proved that $G^2$ is the subgroup of $G$ generated by squares of elements in $G$ and also $G^2$ is normal in $G$. I found that $\frac{G}{G^2}$ is abelian.

Then, I took for instance, $G=D_n=\langle R,S:$ $R$ is a rotation with $o(R)=n$ and $S$ is reflection$\rangle $ so that $G^2= \langle R^2 \rangle$. Which tells that the above statement is true for $D_n$.

My Question: I thought a lot for the proof of this statement but I am not getting any useful tool\concept to prove this.

Please provide a proof of this statement.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

The other day my friend was asked to find $A$ and $B$ in the equation $$(x^3+2x+1)^{17} \equiv Ax+B \pmod {x^2+1}$$ A method was proposed by our teacher to use complex numbers and especially to let $x=i$ where $i$ is the imaginary unit. We obtain from that substitution $$(i+1)^{17} \equiv Ai+B \pmod {0}$$ which if we have understood it correctly is valid if we define $a \equiv b \pmod n$ to be $a=b+dn$. Running through with this definition we have $$\begin{align*} (i+1)^{17} &=\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)+\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)\right)^{17}\\ &=\sqrt{2}^{17}\left(\cos\left(\frac{17\pi}{4}\right)+\sin\left(\frac{17\pi}{4}\right)\right) \tag{De Moivre}\\ &=256\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\cos\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)+\sin\left(\frac{\pi}{4}\right)\right)\right)\\ &=256\left(1+i\right) \\ &=256+256i\end{align*} $$ which gives the correct coefficient values for $A$ and $B$. Our questions are

  1. Why is this substitution valid to begin with?
  2. It seems here that the special case ($x=i$) implies the general case ($x$), why is that valid?

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Let $f:[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}$ be a $C^2$ class function such that $f(0)=f(1)=1$ and $f(x)>1,\forall x\in (0,1)$.
Prove that $$\int\limits_0^1 \bigg | \frac{f''(x)}{f(x)} \bigg| dx \ge \frac{4(M-1)}{M},$$ where $M=\max\limits_{x\in [0,1]}f(x).$
I can't solve this problem, but here are some of the things I have tried/observed:

  • $0$ and $1$ are extreme points of $f$, but we cannot apply Fermat's theorem since they are the endpoints of $f$'s domain

  • $$\int\limits_0^1 \bigg | \frac{f''(x)}{f(x)} \bigg| dx \ge \int\limits_0^1 \bigg |\frac{f''(x)}{f'(x)}\cdot \frac{f'(x)}{f(x)}\bigg | dx\ge \bigg|\int\limits_0^1 \frac{f''(x)}{f'(x)}\cdot \frac{f'(x)}{f(x)} dx \bigg|$$ Then, I tried to apply Integration by Parts, but to no avail.

  • $\exists m\in (0,1)$ such that $f(m)=M$. From Lagrange's MVT on $[0,m]$ and $[m,1]$, \exists $a\in (0,m), b\in (m,1)$ such that $$M=f(m)=mf'(a) \space \text{and} \space M-1=f(m)-1=(m-1)f'(b).$$
    Now, we have that $$\int\limits_0^1 \bigg | \frac{f''(x)}{f(x)} \bigg| dx \ge \frac{1}{M}\int\limits_0^1 |f''(x) |dx \ge \frac{1}{M} \int\limits_a^b |f''(x)|dx \ge \frac{1}{M} \bigg|\int\limits_a^b f''(x) dx \bigg |=$$$$=\frac{1}{M}(f'(b)-f'(a))$$ If I substitute $f'(b)$ and $f'(a)$ in terms of $m$ and $M$, I cannot prove the required inequality.
    EDIT: It should be $M-1$=mf'(a) $. With this, the problem is solved if we proceed the way I did.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Consider an odd prime $p\equiv1 \pmod {16}$ and set $M=\frac{p-1}{2}$ for notational convenience. Then is there even a single prime $p$ of the above form for which the following congruence holds? $$\binom{M}{M/2}\binom{M}{M/4}\equiv \pm \binom{M}{3M/8}\binom{M}{7M/8}\pmod p ?$$

Here the symbol $\binom{n}{r}$ is a binomial coefficient and is defined as $\frac{n!}{r!(n-r)!}$

I am trying to prove something significantly more abstract but have managed to reduce it down to proving that the above statement can never hold. I have written some code to check this for primes of the above form less than $1000$ and found no counter examples. My attempts to find results on binomial coefficients $\pmod p$ have mostly involved Lucas' theorem which does not seem very applicable here. I would appreciate a solution, reference or possible strategies I might try.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

This recurring thread will be for general discussion on whatever math-related topics you have been or will be working on over the week/weekend. This can be anything from math-related arts and crafts, what you've been learning in class, books/papers you're reading, to preparing for a conference. All types and levels of mathematics are welcomed!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from math https://ift.tt/2PvSIp3

There’s an adorable proverb that goes like this: The fox knows many things; the hedgehog knows one big thing.

(Cute, right? I love a good hedgehog.)

In his essay “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” Isaiah Berlin expands this into a playful metaphor for two kinds of writers. It makes for a great game.

Who’s a fox, and who’s a hedgehog?

The hedgehogs are writers with a master theory. They “relate everything to a single central vision… a single, universal organizing principle.” One classic example is Plato, with his Theory of Forms (and, more generally, his faith in pure reason to resolve any question or controversy).


Meanwhile, the foxes are rummagers, explorers:

those who pursue many ends, often unrelated and even contradictory, connected, if at all, only in some de facto way, for some psychological or physiological cause, related to no moral or aesthetic principle. These last lead lives, perform acts and entertain ideas that are centrifugal rather than centripetal; their thought is scattered or diffused, moving on many levels…


The classification game makes for good long-car-ride fun. If Plato was a hedgehog, then Aristotle was a fox. Dante was a hedgehog; Shakespeare, a total fox.

It’s also applicable to politicians, filmmakers, tech moguls, and whoever else you like. Steve Jobs and Henry Ford, hedgehogs; Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, foxes. Nate Silver self-identifies as a fox (hence the foxy logo for FiveThirtyEight).

I’m curious about mathematicians. But I don’t feel I know enough mathematics or history to judge myself, so this is a bleg as much as a blog. Knowledgeable mathematicians, help me out! My questions:

  1. Who are the hedgehogs of mathematical history? Grothendieck? Lovelace? Euclid?
  2. Who are the foxes? Gauss? Newton? Erdos?
  3. What are the comparative merits of being a fox vs. a hedgehog in mathematics?

(Readers may notice a resemblance to Timothy Gowers’ “two cultures of mathematics,” theory-builders and problem-solvers. I suspect the two ways of carving up the world are not quite isomorphic – it seems to me that you could be a foxy theory-builder, or a hedgehog of a problem-solver – but feel free to argue otherwise!)

For more on the literary fox who dreamt of being a mathematical hedgehog, try my new book Change is the Only Constant: The Wisdom of Calculus in a Madcap World.

from Math with Bad Drawings https://ift.tt/2MWOwgp

Jon Bevan is in Prague, the Czech Republic, this week (29 October to 1 November) for the conference Mathematics for Mechanics. Jon is giving an invited talk on “The regularity of elastic energy minimisers with positive twist“. A link to the website with full details of the programme and abstracts is here. The picture below shows a street scene in Prague.

from Surrey Mathematics Research Blog https://ift.tt/2BXKfD3

You have probably heard of Fibonacci's famous sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8..., and so on, with each term equalling the sum of the previous two terms. If you divide each term by the previous result, you will find that as the numbers get bigger, the ratio converges to 1.6182. 1.6182:1 is known as the 'golden ratio'. This seemingly random sequence has baffled mathematicians and scientists alike, as the sequence and its converging ratio keep appearing in nature. Here are just a few places they appear in nature:


The Fibonacci sequence can be seen in two different places in flowers. The most visible place is the petals of a flower. Several flowers have petals that are numbers of the fibonacci sequence. Lilies have 3 petals, buttercups have 5 petals, and daisies have 34 petals, for example. Scientists have theorized that petals that fit the Fibonacci sequence absorb more sunlight, among other uses.

Additionally, the seeds a flower produces follow the Fibonacci sequence. The seeds bunch up in the middle and spiral out in the same shape as a Fibonacci spiral. 


The spiral shaped Nautilus shell perhaps most closely resembles the Fibonacci spiral. Scientists speculate that the reason shells tend to be shaped like the Fibonacci spiral is due to the natural order taking the most efficient route as possible to create a spiral. Below is a comparison between the spiral and shell.


Galaxies maintain the shape of a Fibonacci spiral, seemingly against Newtonian principles! Because the stars have differing angular velocities depending on their distance from the center of the galaxy, the spirals shouldn't remain intact. However, the stars on the outside move faster than expected, allowing the galaxies to maintain the spiral shapes!

And finally...


from The Center of Math Blog https://ift.tt/36hhVts

I have trouble understanding a whole array of things in complex analysis, which I have basically tracked to the statement "real and imaginary parts of a complex analytic function are not independent."

Because of that, I don't really understand the Cauchy-Riemann equations, the fact that for an analytic function, if its real part is constant, then the whole function is constant, and other fundamental things, such as Cauchy's Integral formula, Maximum modulus principle, etc. (the last two just make zero sense to me.)

The thing is, I pretty much understand the proofs, starting from the beginning, when we define differentiability of a complex function. I don't have any problems with the introduction of complex numbers as well, and different identities.

But I just don't have any intuition for why things are like that, and it's very frustrating, because I always feel like I don't understand complex numbers at all, and just do some standard exercises in class, relying on proven facts that I just assume to be true as a starting point.

But as soon as I go and try to understand the meaning of things we in the class work with, I just immediately stop understanding anything.

Can anyone help me understand why the real and imaginary parts of a complex function are not independent?

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Problem 739

There are three coins in a box. The first coin is two-headed. The second one is a fair coin. The third one is a biased coin that comes up heads $75\%$ of the time. When one of the three coins was picked at random from the box and tossed, it landed heads.

What is the probability that the selected coin was the two-headed coin?


Use Bayes’ theorem (Bayes’ rule).


Let $E_i$ be the event of the $i$-th coin being picked for $i = 1, 2, 3$. Let $F$ be the event that a coin lands heads.

The required probability can be calculated using Bayes’ rule as follows:
\[P(E_1 \mid F) = \frac{P(F \mid E_1) \cdot P(E_1)}{P(F)}.\] When the two-headed coin is picked, it always lands heads. Thus, we have the conditional probability $P(F \mid E_1) = 1$. The probability that the two-headed coin is selected out of the box is $P(E_1)=1/3$.

The probability in the denominator is calculated using the total probability theorem as follows:
P(F) &= \sum_{i=1}^3 P(F \mid E_i) P(E_i) \\[6pt] &= \frac{1}{3}\left(1+\frac{1}{2} + \frac{3}{4} \right)\\[6pt] &= \frac{3}{4}.

It follows by the formula above that the required probability is
\[P(E_1 \mid F) = \frac{1\cdot \frac{1}{3}}{\frac{3}{4}} = \frac{4}{9}.\]

from Problems in Mathematics https://ift.tt/2pdxj9D

Hi, r/math! After lurking about for quite some time in this subreddit, I finally mustered up the courage to post on this subreddit. A bit of background: I am a Computer Science Engineering undergrad who wants to make the switch into pure mathematics. I want to do an independent study but unfortunately, I cannot find a mentor. The professors at college aren't really too keen on helping (blaming it on the bureaucracy). I am by now, comfortable in Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Graph Theory, Group Theory and some Topology. I am really keen on learning, and I can really devote time to grasping new topics.

Earlier, I had thought of a problem, but I am really stuck on formulating the problem mathematically. The problem goes as follows:

Suppose, I have a string dipped in paint. Now I place that string onto a piece of paper arbitrarily and pull one end of the string along a straight line on the paper. (Note that this straight line is fixed for all such trials.) What are some properties of the geometry so traced out by the paint-smeared string, that remains invariant no matter how I place the string?

Here is a YouTube video for a rough idea of string paintings.

I am, however, open to other project ideas that others may suggest. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/evil_indian_potato
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from math https://ift.tt/2qWryxt

Hello, all

I'm trying to be better prepared for a future Ph.D. and because of that I'm currently looking for an accredited higher education institution - university, college, community college - that offers a verifiable certificate for a student that successfully finishes a Mathematics course online.

More specifically, I'm looking specifically into Real Analysis. Discrete Mathematics could be a second option.

I will appreciate all the input that is offered, but I'm more interested in courses that are above a thousand dollars. For instance, the price range of Columbia Video Network courses, from Columbia University, makes it impossible for me to take a course.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/MasonBo_90
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from math https://ift.tt/2osYTPD

Jerry the mouse is hungry and according to some confidential information, there is a tempting piece of cheese at the end of one of the three paths after the junction he just found himself!

Fortunately, Tom is standing right there and Jerry hopes he can get some useful information as to which path he must get; most importantly because Spike and Tyke, the dogs, are at the end of the other two paths!

The only problem is that Tom gives true and false replies in alternating order. Furthermore, he has no way of knowing which will be first, the truth or the lie!

He is only allowed to ask Tom 2 questions that can be answered by a “yes” and a “no”.

What must be the two questions he must ask?

No matter how hard I tried, I can't figure out anything... I have seen several variations for the 2 doors problem but this one is different!

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

As is mentioned in the title, I have some group $H$ and I know that its abelianization is $\mathbb{Z}_2$. Does this imply that $H$ has torsion?

Edit: Since people want more context, here's some context. Basically I'm looking at the fundamental group of the Klein bottle and I want to show that it can't split as $\pi_1(K) \cong \mathbb{Z} \oplus H$ for any group $H$. I know if I abelianize then I end up getting $\mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}_2$. So if the abelianization splits over direct sums (which I'm not sure about) then if somehow I could say that $H$ must be going to $\mathbb{Z}_2$ through this abelianization map and $H$ had to have torsion I'd have a contradiction to the klein bottle being a manifold and thus having torsion free fundamental group. I think there are a number of holes in this argument though, but I'm still interested in the particular question I asked above.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Find the matrix exponential $e^A$ for $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 2 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 2\\ \end{bmatrix}$$.

I think we should use the proberty

If $AB = BA$ then $e^{A+B} = e^A e^B$.

We can use that

$$\begin{bmatrix} 2 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 2 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 2\\ \end{bmatrix} =\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix} +\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix}$$

Both matrices obviously commute. But I dont know how to calculate the exponential of

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 1 & 1\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix}.$$

Could you help me?

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Given an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ with real entries such that $A^2 = -I$, prove that $\det(A) = 1$

This question is multi-part, but I happen to be stuck on this one. The previous parts showed:

$A$ is nonsingular, $n$ is even, and $A$ has no real eigenvalues.

I know that $\det(A)^2 = 1$ since $A$ has real entries and $n$ is even, but am not sure how to show that $\det(A)$, which can be either $1$ or $-1$, is not $-1$. Does anyone know how to continue from here?

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Congratulations to Donal Harkin for passing his PhD viva today (Tuesday 29 October)! The External Examiner was Colin Cotter (Imperial) and the Internal Examiner was Janet Godolphin. Donal‘s supervisor is Naratip Santitissadeekorn. The title of Donal’s thesis is: “Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems for Reactive Transport Models in Bioirrigated Sediments“.

from Surrey Mathematics Research Blog https://ift.tt/2Wos0jD

Miami on a mid-October night is still warm, but south of the city, a gentle breeze made its way through the Air Base K-8 Center, a Miami-Dade County Public Schools campus. This made our space for gameplay in the setting twilight soft and inviting. 

Colleagues from MIND Research Institute, creators of ST Math, were able to take part in a recent family night event for Miami-Dade City Schools on October 16th, 2019. Each year, Carmen Monge, a magnet lead teacher from Air Base K-8 Center, honors science and mathematics teaching and learning by hosting a S.M.A.C.K. (Science and Math Activities that Connect Kids) night. The event was a success, with over 600 families in attendance from the Miami-Dade County Public Schools community.

Camped out beneath a roof in the fresh air, on picnic tables and across the grass, MIND colleagues supported the community by hosting an interactive math game area. The mathematical games we supplied were intentionally designed to inspire play between children and their families, and  to develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies.


“It is always one of my favorite things to see, a parent and a child productively struggling together and enjoying the process,” said Brandon Smith, Lead Mathematician and Product Director at MIND. “The most important thing we can do as facilitators at family events is to put our families in the driver’s seat. When they drive, the impact skyrockets. We saw that at family night.”

Brandon Smith leads the development of MathMINDs Games, storybook board games that combine math, history and literacy in a highly connected experience. Through each story, families learn and play games as they explore real events from the game's country of origin. 

The first suite of games, South of the Sahara, which includes Achi, Gulugufe and Farona, was funded by Rockwell Automation. To date, over 2,000 games have been given away to familiesmany never having played games together before. Brandon and his team at MIND are currently working on some new games, some of which Miami-Dade County Public Schools families got to experience at the event.


In an effort to change the way her community related to mathematics, Mrs. Monge felt it was critical to engage families and students with each other and not only technology. MIND was able to support Mrs. Monge’s request to make math a social experience at their event this year. 

Engaged deep in mathematical play, some participants gathered around the storybook board games. Others solved the seemingly impossible challenge of removing a looped rope with a golf ball on one end of two interlocking screws, resulting in whispers, excited gasps, awe, and amazement. By teaching mathematical concepts through enriching gameplay, math becomes a tool for building schemas and deeper reasoning.


MIND’s mission is to ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world’s most challenging problems. We see the need to reach a student’s entire learning ecosystem, including their family. Supporting S.M.A.C.K. Night at Air Base K-8 Center is part of an effort through our MathMINDs initiative to change not just students' relationships with math, but our entire society’s feelings toward math as well. 

Additional Resources: 

from MIND Research Institute Blog https://ift.tt/2MUrwib

Let $$I_n = \int_0^1 \frac{\log^n (1-x) \log^{n-1} (1+x)}{1+x} dx$$ In a recently published article, $I_n$ is evaluated for $n\leq 6$: $$I_1 = \frac{\log ^2(2)}{2}-\frac{\pi ^2}{12} $$ $$I_2 = 2 \zeta (3) \log (2)-\frac{\pi ^4}{360}+\frac{\log ^4(2)}{4}-\frac{1}{6} \pi ^2 \log ^2(2)$$ $$I_3 = 6 \zeta (3)^2+6 \zeta (3) \log ^3(2)-2 \pi ^2 \zeta (3) \log (2)+24 \zeta (5) \log (2)-\frac{23 \pi ^6}{2520}+\frac{\log ^6(2)}{6}-\frac{1}{4} \pi ^2 \log ^4(2)-\frac{1}{12} \pi ^4 \log ^2(2)$$ $$I_4 = -12 \pi ^2 \zeta (3)^2+288 \zeta (3) \zeta (5)+12 \zeta (3) \log ^5(2)-12 \pi ^2 \zeta (3) \log ^3(2)+168 \zeta (5) \log ^3(2)+108 \zeta (3)^2 \log ^2(2)-2 \pi ^4 \zeta (3) \log (2)-48 \pi ^2 \zeta (5) \log (2)+720 \zeta (7) \log (2)-\frac{499 \pi ^8}{25200}+\frac{\log ^8(2)}{8}-\frac{1}{3} \pi ^2 \log ^6(2)-\frac{19}{60} \pi ^4 \log ^4(2)-\frac{1}{6} \pi ^6 \log ^2(2)$$ Based on these evidences, the author (myself) made the conjecture that

For positive integer $n$, $I_n$ is in the algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ generated by $\pi^2, \log(2)$ and $\{\zeta(m) | m\in \mathbb{Z}, m\geq 3\}$.

The closed-form of $I_5, I_6$ satisfy this conjecture. $I_5$ is:


$I_6$ is:


Question: How to prove the conjecture for general $n$?

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Some remarks:

  1. Even $I_3,I_4,I_5,I_6$ are extremely challenging, someone brave enough might want to embark on finding them independently.

  2. $I_n$ is not related to beta function in an obvious way, so the well-known differentiation trick does not work here.

  3. For any $I_n$, the algorithm outlined in the article should produce closed-form of $I_n$ in a finite amount of time if the conjecture is true. However, the algorithm is a bit mechanical, so benefits little toward a proof for general $n$.

  4. Perhaps I am missing something, this conjecture is elementary to state, so it might have an easy proof and I was being negligent.

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Let us suppose to have a finite set of vectors $S=\{v_1,\ldots,v_m\}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (with $m \gg n$ in general). I need to find a vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ that is NOT perpendicular to any vector in $S$. The existence of such a vector $x$ is guaranteed, moreover almost every vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfies this property. But I need to find an algorithm to determine a vector with these properties, I cannot close my eyes and choose.

Any ideas?

EDIT1: in my case, the vectors in $S$ have some "symmetries" in the sense that they are generated by permutation and change of signs of a few vectors in $S$

EDIT2: $v_1+\ldots+v_m=0 \in \mathbb{R}^n$

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

Basically the title. I have a bachelors degree in physics with a mathematics minor, so when I say introductory, it doesn't have to be totally from the ground up, but I don't really have any formal background in control theory, so take that as you will.

I'm really interested in Kalman filters, and have done some reading on the topic, but I can't help shake the feeling that I'm missing some of the important fundamentals necessary to understand the topic.


submitted by /u/Inregardstometal
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from math https://ift.tt/32R166q

If for metric space $(X,d)$ we have $d(A,B)>0$ for any pair of non-empty disjoint closed subsets $A$ and $B$. Show that $(X,d)$ is complete.

I am confused. If I let $A=N\subseteq R$ and $B=\{n+ \frac1n | n\in N, n\geq2\}$ then both $A$ and $B$ are disjoint and closed subsets of $(R, |\cdot|)$, which is complete but $d(A,B)=0$

So does this disproves the above claim?

EDIT: Looking carefully, the condition is not if and only if so this does not disproves the above claim.

Please check my proof:

Suppose $X$ is not complete $\rightarrow \exists (x_n)\in X $ that is Cauchy but not convergent. If the set $F=\{x_n \mid n\in N\} $ is finite, then $(x_n)$ has a constant subsequence and thus $(x_n)$ converges to that constant. So $F$ has to be infinite. Hence, we can extract a subsequence from $(x_n)$, say $(y_n)$ with all its terms distinct.

Let $G=\{y_{2n}\mid n\in N\}$ and $H=\{y_{2n+1}\mid n\in N\}$

Then $G$ and $H$ are disjoint, closed subsets of $X$ but $d(G,H)=0$ as $(y_n)$ is also Cauchy.

Is this proof okay?

from Hot Weekly Questions - Mathematics Stack Exchange

What was Galileo’s great innovation in science? To give practical experience more authority than philosophical systems? To insist on mechanical as opposed to teleological or supernatural explanations of natural phenomena? To take mathematical physics as our best window into the fundamental nature of reality as opposed to just a computational tool for a small set of technical problems? No, none of the above. All of these things had been old hat for thousands of years.


To say that Galileo is “the father of modern science” is to say that he made some kind of unique contribution, something unprecedented, that was the starting point of science as we know it. So what would that have been? What was that uniquely Galilean ingredient, that made science appear out of thin air for the first time in human history? We spoke about this before. People have tried to pinpoint it in various ways. I refuted the main attempts: mathematisation of nature, empiricism, experimental method. Basically, those things were all commonplace already in Greek times. That’s what I argued last time. But the list goes on. There are other things that Galileo was allegedly “the first” to do. Let’s have a look at those.

Here’s one: Galileo’s greatness consists in bringing together abstract mathematics and science with concrete technology and practical know-how of craftsmen and workers in mechanical fields. Here are some quotes from various historians expressing this idea:

“Real science is born when, with the progress of technology, the experimental method of the craftsmen overcomes the prejudice against manual work and is adopted by rationally trained university-scholars. This is accomplished with Galileo.”

“[Galileo was able] to bring together two once separate worlds that from his time on were destined to remain forever closely linked—the world of scientific research and that of technology.”

“Galileo may fruitfully be seen as the culmination point of a tradition in Archimedean thought which, by itself, had run into a dead end. What enabled Galileo to overcome its limitations seems easily explicable upon considering Galileo’s background in the arts and crafts.”

“The separation between theory and practice, imposed by university professors of natural philosophy, was repeatedly exposed as untenable. Of course the greatest figure in this movement is Galileo.”

So those are four historians all saying basically the same thing.

And Galileo himself eagerly cultivated this image. The very first words of his big book on mechanics are devoted to extolling the importance for science of observing “every sort of instrument and machine” in action at the “famous arsenal” of Venice. He praises the experiential knowledge of the “truly expert” workmen there. Galileo loves these workers and craftsmen in inverse proportion to how much he hates philosophers.

It is true that universities were filled with many blockheads who foolishly insisted on keeping intellectual work aloof from such connections to the real world. For example, when Wallis went to Oxford in 1632 there was no one at the university who could teach him mathematics. As he says in his autobiography: “For Mathematicks, (at that time, with us) were scarce looked upon as Accademical studies, but rather Mechanical; as the business of Traders, Merchants, Seamen, Carpenters, Surveyors of Lands, or the like.”

That was indeed a lamentable state of affairs. But it would be mistake to infer from this that Galileo’s step was an innovation. The stupidity of the university professors was the doing of one particular clique of mathematically ignorant people. Their attitude is not natural or representative of the state of human knowledge. Galileo is not a brilliant maverick thinking outside the box. Rather, he is merely doing what had, among mathematically competent people, been recognised as the natural and obviously right way to do science for thousands of years. Galileo is not taking a qualitative leap beyond limitations that had crippled all previous thinkers. Rather, he is merely reversing the obvious cardinal error of one particularly dumb philosophical movement that had happened to gain too much influence at the time, because people were too ignorant to recognise the evident superiority of more mathematical and scientific schools of thought that had already proven their worth in a large body of ancient works available to anyone who cared to read.

In order to defend the misconceived idea of Galileo the trailblazing innovator one must ignore the large body of obvious precedent for his view in antiquity, and project the foolish nonsense of medieval universities onto the Greeks. Indeed, historians have concocted a false narrative to this effect. Here are some typical quotes:

“Greek technology and science were rigidly separated.”

“The Greek hand worker was considered inferior to the brain worker or contemplative thinker. So, despite the fact that the philosophers derived some of their conclusions as to how nature behaved from the work of the craftsmen, they rarely had experience of that work. What is more, they were seldom inclined to improve it, and so were powerless to pry apart its potential treasure of knowledge that was to lead to the scientific revolution in the Renaissance.”

Others have argued that “the fundamental brake upon the further progress of science in antiquity was slave labour [which precluded any] meaningful combination of theory and practice.”

More specialised scholarship knows better. The recent Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World is perfectly clear on the matter:

“Many twentieth-century scholars hit upon [snobbish contempt for manual labour] as an ‘explanation’ for a perceived blockage of technological innovation in the Greco-Roman world. The presence of slave labor was felt to be a related, concomitant factor. [But] this now discredited interpretation [should be rejected and we should] put an end to the myth of a ‘technological blockage’ in the classical cultures.”

This is the view of experts on the matter, while the false narrative is promulgated by scholars who focus on Galileo, take it for granted that he is “the Father of Modern Science,” and postulate such nonsense about the Greeks because that’s the only way to craft a narrative that fits with this false assumption.

Promulgators of the nonsense about practice-adverse Greeks have evidently not bothered to read mathematical authors. Pappus, for example, explains clearly that mathematicians enthusiastically embrace practical and manual skills:

“The science of mechanics has many important uses in practical life, and is zealously studied by mathematicians. Mechanics can be divided into a theoretical and a manual part; the theoretical part is composed of geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and physics, the manual of working in metals, architecture, carpentering and painting and anything involving skill with the hands.”

Pappus praises the interaction of geometry with practical fields or “arts” as beneficial to both:

“Geometry is in no way injured, but is capable of giving content to many arts by being associated with them, and, so far from being injured, it is obvious, while itself advancing those arts, appropriately honoured and adorned by them.”

These were no empty words. The Greeks had an extensive tradition of studying “machines,” meaning devices based on components such as the lever, pulley, wheel and axle, winch, wedge, screw, gear wheel, and so on. The primary purpose of these machines was that of “multiplying an effort to exert greater force than can human or animal muscle power alone.” Such machines were “used in construction, water-lifting, mining, the processing of agricultural produce, and warfare.”

The Greeks also undertook advanced engineering projects, such as digging a tunnel of more than a kilometer through a mountain, the planning of which involved quite sophisticated geometry to enable the tunnel to be dug from both ends, with the diggers meeting in the middle. In short, “while it is crucial to distinguish between theoretical mechanics and practitioners’ knowledge, there is substantial evidence of a two-way interaction between them in Antiquity.”

Mathematicians were very much involved with such things. There are many testimonies attributing to Archimedes various accomplishments in engineering, such as moving a ship singlehandedly by means of pulleys, destroying enemy ships using machines, building a screw for lifting water, and so on. Apollonius wrote a very advanced and thorough treatise on conic sections, which is studiously abstract and undoubtedly “art for the sake of art” pure mathematics if there ever was such a thing. Yet the same Apollonius “besides writing on conic sections produced a now lost work on a flute-player driven by compressed air released by valves controlled by the operation of a water wheel.” The title page of the Arabic manuscript that has preserved this work for us reads: “by Apollonius, the carpenter, the geometer.” The cliche of Greek geometry as nothing but abstruse abstractions divorced from reality is a modern fiction. The sources tell a different story. It is not for nothing that one of the most refined mathematicians of antiquity went by the moniker “the carpenter.”

Unfortunately, as Russo has observed in his excellent book, “Renaissance intellectuals were not in a position to understand Hellenistic scientific theories, but, like bright children whose lively curiosity is set astir by a first visit to the library, they found in the manuscripts many captivating topics, especially those that came with illustrations. The most famous intellectual attracted by all these ‘novelties’ was Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo’s ‘futuristic’ technical drawings … was not a science-fiction voyage into the future so much as a plunge into a distant past. Leonardo’s drawings often show objects that could not have been built in his time because the relevant technology did not exist. This is not due to a special genius for divining the future, but to the mundane fact that behind those drawings there were older drawings from a time when technology was far more advanced.”

The false narrative of the mechanically ignorant, anti-practical Greeks has obscured this fact, and led to an exaggerated evaluation of Renaissance technology, such as instruments for navigation, surveying, drawing, timekeeping, and so on. Here for example is the view of Jim Bennett, a former Director of the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford:

“Renaissance developments in practical mathematics predated the intellectual shifts in natural philosophy. Historians of the early modern reform of natural philosophy have failed to appreciate the significance of the prior success of the practical mathematical programme, [which] must figure in an explanation of why the new dogma of the seventeenth century embraced mathematics, mechanism, experiment and instrumentation.”

Bennett proves at length that the practical mathematical tradition had much to commend it, which I do not dispute. But then he casually asserts with hardly any justification that there was nothing comparable in Greek times. This is typical of much scholarship of this period. The deeply entrenched standard view of the Galilean revolution is basically taken for granted and subsequent work is presented as emendations to it. For instance, if you want to prove the importance of a Renaissance pre-revolution in practical mathematics, you need to prove two things: first that it was relevant to the scientific revolution, and second that it was not present long before. It is a typical pattern to see historians put all their efforts toward proving the first point, and glossing over the second point in sentence or two. They can get away with this since the alleged shortcomings of the Greeks is supposedly common knowledge, while the first point is the one that departs from the standard narrative. Hence, if the standard narrative is misconceived in the first place, so is all this more specialised research, which, although it ostensibly departs from the standard view, actually retains its most fundamental errors in the very framing of its argument.

It is right to emphasise that the practical mathematical tradition stood for a much more fruitful and progressive approach to nature than that dominant among the philosophy professors of the time. But it is a mistake to believe that these professors represented the considered opinion of the best minds, while the mathematical practitioners were oddball underdogs whose pioneering success eventually proved undeniable to the surprise of everyone. The mathematical practitioners stood for simple common sense, not renegade iconoclasm. They practiced the same common sense that their peers had in antiquity, with much the same results. The university professors, meanwhile, should not be mistaken for a neutral representation of the state of human knowledge at the time. Rather, they formed one particular philosophical sect which retained its domination of the universities not because of the preeminence of its teachings but because of the conservative appointment practices and obsequiousness of academics.

So that’s my take on the role of practical mathematics in the scientific revolution.

Now let’s turn to another issue, a more philosophical one: instrumentalism versus realism.

A standard view is that “the Scientific Revolution saw the replacement of a predominantly instrumentalist attitude to mathematical analysis with a more realist outlook.” Instrumentalism means the following; I’m quoting Simplicius the ancient commentator:

“An explanation which conforms to the facts does not imply that the hypotheses are real and exist. [Astronomers] have been unable to establish in what sense, exactly, the consequences entailed by these arrangements are merely fictive and not real at all. So they are satisfied to assert that it is possible, by means of circular and uniform movements, always in the same direction, to save the apparent movements of the wandering stars.”

Instrumentalism, as opposed to realism, was supposedly the accepted philosophy of science among “the Greeks,” according to many historians. Here’s what Pierre Duhem had to say about it for example:

“[Ancient Greek astronomers] balked at the idea that the eccentrics and epicycles are bodies, really up there on the vaults of the heavens. For the Greeks they were simply geometrical fictions requisite to the subjection of celestial phenomena to calculation. If these calculations are in accord with the results of observation, if the ‘hypotheses’ succeed in ‘saving the phenomena’, the astronomer’s problem is solved.”

“An astronomer who understands the true purpose of science, as defined by men like Posidonius, Ptolemy, Proclus, and Simplicius, … would not require the hypotheses supporting his system to be true, that is, in conformity with things. For him it will be enough if the results of calculation agree with the results of observation—if appearances are saved.”

That’s Duhem, in the early 20th century. But plenty of modern historians agree as well. Here are some examples, I quote:

“The Greek geometer in formulating his astronomical theories does not make any statements about physical nature at all. His theories are purely geometrical fictions. That means that to save the appearances became a purely mathematical task, it was an exercise in geometry, no more, but, of course, also no less.”

Galileo, by contrast, brought “a radically new mode of realist-mathematical nature knowledge.”

In other words:

“Galileo endorsed a view that was [contrary to] that of the Greeks but was also much more creative … It is a crippling restriction to hold that no theory about reality can be in mathematical form; the Renaissance rejected this restriction, holding that it was a worthwhile enterprise to search for mathematical theories which also—by metaphysical criteria—could be supposed ‘real’. … The most eloquent and full defence of this process was given by Galileo.”

Hence the Scientific Revolution owes much to “the novel quality of realism that the abstract-mathematical mode of nature-knowledge acquired in Galileo’s hands.”

All of that are quotations from mainstream historical scholarship. I of course disagree with them, as you might imagine.

In reality, no mathematically competent Greek author ever advocated instrumentalism. The notion that “the Greeks” were instrumentalists relies exclusively on passages by philosophical commentators. The notion that Ptolemy believed his planetary models were “fictional combinations of circles which could never exist in celestial reality” is demonstrably false.

First of all Ptolemy opens his big book with physical arguments for why the earth is in the center of the universe. This is a blatantly realist justification for this aspect of his astronomical models.

Furthermore, Ptolemy has a detailed discussion of the order and distances of the planets that obviously assumes that the planetary models, epicycles and all, are physically real. “The distances of the … planets may be determined without difficulty from the nesting of the spheres, where the least distance of a sphere is considered equal to the greatest distance of a sphere below it.” That is to say, according to Ptolemy’s epicyclic planetary models, each planet sways back and forth between a nearest and a furthest distance from the earth. The “sphere” of each planet must be just thick enough to contain these motions. Ptolemy assumes that “there is no space between the greatest and least distances [of adjacent spheres],” which “is most plausible, for it is not conceivable that there be in Nature a vacuum, or any meaningless and useless thing.”

Clearly this is based on taking planetary models to be very real indeed, and not at all mathematical fictions invented for calculation. Nor was Ptolemy an exception in his realism. His colleague Geminos “was a thoughtful realist” too, as the translators of his surviving astronomical work have observed.

Hipparchus too evidently chose models for planetary motion on realist grounds. His works are lost, but we know that he proved the mathematical equivalence of epicyclic and equant motion. In other words, he showed that two different geometrical models of planetary motion are observationally equivalent; they lead to the exact same visual impressions seen from earth, but they are brought about by different mechanisms. How should one choose between the two models in such a case? If Hipparchus was an instrumentalist, he wouldn’t care one way or the other, or he would just pick whichever was more mathematically convenient. But if he was a realist he would be interested in which model could more plausibly correspond to actual physical reality. So what did he do? Here is what Theon says: “Hipparchus, convinced that this is how the phenomena are brought about, adopted the epicyclic hypothesis as his own and says that it is likely that all the heavenly bodies are uniformly placed with respect to the center of the world and that they are united to it in a similar way.” So Hipparchus decided between equivalent models based on physical plausibility. This is quite clearly a realist argument.

Historians have brought up other “evidence” that “the Greeks” were instrumentalists. One thing they point to is the alleged compartmentalisation of Greek science. I quote a modern historian:

“Phenomena [such as] consonance, light, planetary trajectories and the two states of equilibrium [i.e., statics and hydrostatics] are investigated separately. There is no search for interconnections, let alone for an overarching unity.”

This attitude would indeed make sense if mathematical science was just instrumental computation tools with no genuine anchoring in reality. The only problem is that the claim is false. Greek science is in fact full of interconnections, just as one would expect if they were committed realists. Ptolemy uses mechanics to justify geocentrism; Archimedean hydrostatics explains shapes of planets and “casts light on the earth’s geological past”; Archimedes used statical principles to compute areas in geometry. Ptolemy applies “consonance” (that is, musical theory) to “the human soul, the ecliptic, zodiac, fixed stars, and planets,” as he says in his book on astrology. Ptolemy also applies the law of refraction of optics to atmospheric refraction, noting its importance for astronomical observations.

In Galileo’s time, the same pattern prevails: mathematically competent people are unabashed realists, while philosophers and theologians often find instrumentalism more appealing for reasons that have nothing to do with science. Copernicus’s book, for example, is unequivocally realist. Spineless philosophers and theologians could not accept this. One even resorted to the ugly trick of inserting an unsigned foreword in the book without Copernicus’s authorisation, in which they espoused instrumentalism. Here’s what is says:

“It is the job of the astronomer to use painstaking and skilled observation in gathering together the history of the celestial movements, and then—since he cannot by any line of reasoning reach the true causes of these movements—to think up or construct whatever causes or hypotheses he pleases such that, by the assumption of these causes, those same movements can be calculated from the principles of geometry for the past and for the future too. … It is not necessary that these hypotheses should be true. … It is enough if they provide a calculus which fits the observations.”

This foreword was left unsigned so that it was easy to assume that it was written by Copernicus himself. This surely fooled no one who actually read the book, with all its blatant realism. Giordano Bruno, for one, thought “there can be no question that Copernicus believed in this motion [of the earth],” and hence concluded that the timid foreword must have been written “by I know not what ignorant and presumptuous ass.” That’s Bruno’s opinion, a early reader of Copernicus. Other mathematical readers presumably felt the same way. But then again the mathematically incompetent people whom the instrumentalist foreword was designed to appease could not read the book anyway.

In medieval and renaissance philosophical texts it is not hard to find many assertions to the effect that “real astronomy is nonexistent” and what passes for astronomy “is merely something suitable for computing the entries in astronomical almanacs.” There were many instrumentalists at the time, to be sure, but the challenge is to find a single serious mathematical astronomer among them. They were exclusively theologians and philosophers.

All historians nowadays recognise that “Copernicus clearly believed in the physical reality of his astronomical system,” but their inference that he “thus broke down the traditional disciplinary boundary between astronomy (a branch of mixed mathematics) and physics (or natural philosophy)” is dubious. This was “the traditional” view only in a very limited sense. It was traditional among the particular sect of Aristotelians that occupied the universities, but outside this narrow clique it had no credibility or standing whatsoever. Among mathematicians, Copernicus’s view was exactly the traditional one.

All mathematically competent people continued in the same vein, long before Galileo entered the scene. Already in the 16th century, “Tycho and Rothman, Maestlin, and even Ursus openly deploy a wide range of physical arguments in debating the issue between the rival world-systems.” Kepler puts the matter very clearly:

“One who predicts as accurately as possible the movements and positions of the stars performs the task of the astronomers well. But one who, in addition to this, also employs true opinions about the form of the universe performs it better and is held worthy of greater praise. The former, indeed, draws conclusions that are true as far as what is observed is concerned; the latter not only does justice in his conclusions to what is seen, but also in drawing conclusions embracing the inmost form of nature.”

As Kepler notes, this was all obviously well-known and accepted since antiquity, for “to predict the motions of the planets Ptolemy did not have to consider the order of the planetary spheres, and yet he certainly did so diligently.”

So, in conclusions, mathematicians were always realists. Galileo had nothing new to contribute on that matter. So we have refuted that as well as one of the possible Galilean innovations that caused the scientific revolution.

Here’s another of the big themes in the scientific revolution: the “mechanical philosophy.”

Some say that “the mechanization of the world-picture” was the defining ingredient of “the transition from ancient to classical science.” A paradigm conception at the heart of the new science was that of the world as a machine: a “clockwork universe” in which everything is caused by bodies pushing one another according to basic mechanical laws, as opposed to a world governed by teleological purpose, divine will and intervention, anthropomorphised desires and sympathies ascribed to physical objects, or other supernatural forces. Galileo was supposedly a pioneer in how he always stuck to the right side in this divide. Here is one historian arguing as much:

“Galileo possessed in a high degree one special faculty. That is the faculty of thinking correctly about physical problems as such, and not confusing them with either mathematical or philosophical problems. It is a faculty rare enough still, but much more frequently encountered today than it was in Galileo’s time, if only because nowadays we all cope with mechanical devices from childhood on.”

Of course, this “special faculty” is precisely what led Galileo to reject as occult the correct explanation of the tides and propose his own embarrassing nonstarter of a tidal theory based on an analogy with “mechanical devices,” as we have discussed before. But let’s put that aside.

There is nothing modern about the mechanical philosophy. “*We* all cope with mechanical devices from childhood on,” the quote says, but so did the Greeks. They built automata such as entirely mechanical puppet-theatres, self-opening temple doors, a coin-operated holy water dispenser, and so on. Pappus notes that “the science of mechanics” has many applications “of practical utility,” including machines for lifting weights, warfare machines such as catapults, water-lifting machines, and “marvellous devices” using “ropes and cables to simulate the motions of living things.”

Clearly, then, “Ancient Greek mechanics offered working artifacts complex enough to suggest that organisms, the cosmos as a whole, or we ourselves, might ‘work like that’.” Thus we read in ancient sources that “the universe is like a single mechanism” governed by simple and deterministic laws that ultimately lead to “all the varieties of tragic and comedic and other interactions of human affairs.” This line of reasoning soon lead to a secularisation of science. “Bit by bit, Zeus was relieved of thunderbolt duty, Poseidon of earthquakes, Apollo of epidemic disease, Hera of births, and the rest of the pantheon of gods were pensioned off” in the same manner.

Mechanical explanations are widespread in Greek science. The Aristotelian Mechanics uses the law of lever to explain “why rowers who are in the middle of the ship move the ship the most,” and “how it is that dentists extract teeth more easily by a tooth-extractor [or forceps] than with the bare hand only.” Greek scientists explained perfectly clearly that sound is a “wave of air in motion,” comparable to the rings forming on a pond when when one throws in a stone. Atomism—a widely espoused conception of the world in Greek antiquity—is of course in effect a plan to “make material principles the basis of all reality.”

Greek astronomy went hand in hand with mechanical planetaria that directly reproduced a scale model of planetary motion. And not just basic toy models, but “complex and scientifically ambitious instruments” that could generate all heavenly motions mechanically from a single generating motion (the turn of a crank, as it were).

The possibility that even biological phenomena worked on the same principle immediately suggested itself and was eagerly pursued. Here’s what Galen says, the ancient physician:

“Just as people who imitate the revolutions of the wandering stars by means of certain instruments instill a principle of motion in them and then go away, while [the devices] operate just as if the craftsman was there and overseeing them in everything, I think in the same way each of the parts in the body operates by some succession and reception of motion from the first principle to every part, needing no overseer.”

Indeed, ancient medical research put this vision into practice. “The use of what we should call mechanical ideas to explain organic processes”—such as digestion and other physiological functions—is “the most prominent feature” of the work of Erasistratus in medicine, who also tested his ideas experimentally.

In conclusion, then, the world did not need Galileo to tell them about the mechanical philosophy, since it had been widely regarded as common sense already in antiquity.

The scientific revolution did not come about by any innovative or groundbreaking insights of Galileo. It came about by simply listening to what the mathematicians had been saying for thousands of years.

from Intellectual Mathematics

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