On the Idea of a "Validity Calculus" Analogous to Probability Calculus

The question might be judged as belonging to logic-fiction rather than to serious logic ...

Some well formed formulas are true in all possible cases/ interpretations , some are true in no possible case/ interpretation, some are contingent ( true in some cases, false in other ones).

Now, amongst contingent formulas, some are true in more cases than others are.

For example, (A --> B) is true in 3 cases out of 4, while (A&B) is true in only 1 case out of 4.

So, one could say that some formilas are closer to validity than others. This suggests an analogy with the theory of probability, in which some some propositions are considered as being closer to certainty than others.

Is it possible to think of rules concerning, so to say, the " degrees" of validity of propositional calculus formulas.

Is it possible to take a theoretical advantage of the fact that all formulas are not at the same distance from validity.

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